Sunday, April 12, 2009

The safety of our neighborhood!!

Dear Mr. Raul Alcaino:
I am Camila Diaz a english pedagogy's student and I write you this letter to let you know, about a issue that has become so important for us.
I live in a neighborhood (Fray Camilo Henrriquez) wich has become very dangerous with the time.
A lot of people has been robbed so many times in this street, people who arrive to their homes late because of work, they have to suffer the bad acts of a few youngs.
This evil group have been scared to the people of this neighborhood, since a couple of months, and is unacceptable that we have to feel afraid when we walk to our home.
We had a meeting last night and we are agree that the neighborhood is very dark, and we think that we need more public illumination.
We think too that, we have to have more police control, because we never see cops around here.
We hope that with this things our neighborhood becomes in a safe place to live.
An we also hope that you can help us to regularize our situation.
Waiting your answer, I cordially dismissed

Camila Fernanda Diaz Vilches.
Santiago Centro
April 12th 2009