Tuesday, May 26, 2009



Im really impresed about the video, it's amazing what a group of concern and hardworking people can do for change the education of a neighborhood.
I think that this guy has right, because here in Chile is the same problem, teachers are not taking the enough time to teach their students, therefore, the edcuation is not personal.
The students want to learn however in schools there are not enough time to dedicate to them, in a personal way, so they don't have the enogh time to learn.
I think that this kind of ideas are very good, because it is probed that when a student is in a comfortable place, the learning is more efficient, I mean that the student learn fastly and they keep in mind the concents that they have learn.
The education here in Chile needs people like that, who hanker a better society and not people who makes their "job" just for money,because, to be honest, here the people makes their job just for money, and not because they want to improved the society.We should have group like that and give the students the personal education that they deserved, after all, the students are the future of the society.


I think that I and my classmates make a lot of basic mistakes.
Sometimes are mitakes that results even funny.
First what happened often is that we are writting in past, and then we write in present, we should write and follow the past tense or the present.
Other mistake is when we don't change the verb when we talk in 3th person.
There are things that we know by heart, but for some reason we keep doing it.
Other mistake, is that sometimes we don't know too much concepts, and we don't know how to explain what we want to say, so we write confusedly, and the paper, the post, etc, is not so clared.
The other common mistake is that sometimes we confused the past participle, or the past simple, or the present continous, when we want to talk in these times, we do not know how to expressed
These in my personal opinion, that are some common mistakes that we make.

Monday, May 25, 2009


I'm agree whit the most of the point that the author gives in the article.
Just in one point when referred about the reward. He said that in some cases (the weaker students) can be demotivating, because they are unable to do an activity or they don't can do it all. But I think that a teacher can give a reward to a weaker student if he/she did part of the activity, it is not nessesary that they do all the work, because the teacher knows that it is hard for them try to d all the work, so we must to reward them if they make an effort.

It is true that teachers only makes the motivation in the students decrease , because they doesn't pay attention to the things that could be happened whit the kid (feelings, emotion, fears).However, when the student adops a rebellious behaviour, teacher punished them, and this demotivating the students.
Also when the author referred to the self-esteem, is an importan task, and I think that motivation start by this point, if a student is has a lack of self-confident the teachers has to increase it because the motivation begins at home, so if teacher promote the self- esteem in the students, the child will adops another position and not the rebellious.

In my opinion the most of the schools in Chile do not care for the life of the children, i mean their thoughts, their feelings, their fears. They just want the student gets good results, to put the school in a better categorie, and they does't care too much about the learning of the kids. Is for that reason that Chile has a poor education, and there is a high percentage of children do not reach college.
Class must be more dinamic, and the teachers have to investigate which is the proper way to do activities, and to involve the different abilities of the differents students in the classroom, bacause, we are not all the same person.