Monday, March 30, 2009

Spit in the street?? No way!

One day i was walking in the street, i don't remember where I went, but I was in a public place, with a lot of people around.
Suddenly a guy passed in front of me, and he made a disgusting noise with his mouth, it seemed to come from his throat, and then he spat on the sidewalk. I think what the guy did, upset the people around because they looked at the guy very angry.
For me, that guy doesn't have goods manners, is acceptable when you get a cold, well, all we now what we feel when when we get a cold, you need to have a handkerchief close, but it is not necessary to make an disgusting noise andp spit in front of all people.

Monday, March 23, 2009


Hogg, Chris "School bullying in Japan" BBC,15 November, 2006: 1 page

This is a very important problem in the schools, actually it's very common to find cases of children who have been teased by his/her classmates. The question that it doesn't have an answer is: who is the responsible?.

In my opinion headteachers, and teachers, don't think that this is a big problem inside their schools. When there are some case of Bullying in their school, they think that is only an inoffensive play of children, and it doesn't care so much about it. They discover the consequences of this act when the children who have been teased or exort, take the extreme decision of killed themselves.
Here in Chile happened a case of bullying, of a girl who was teased for her classmates by internet. They write bad things about her, they hit her at the school. The most incredible was that the mother of this girl went to the school, and talked with the headteacher, about the problem. They said that it was just a children game, nothing so important. After a few days the girl take the decision of kill herself.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

A little about me!!

As already you know mi name is Camila i'm 20 years old and in this introduccion i'm going to write a little about me.
First I want to explain why the name of my blogg.
I had a friend Felipe was his name, who used to call me "Kamilu". Unfortunately, he's not here with me anymore, but I have a lot of beautiful memories about him. And I Always remember him with a big happiness.Besides he taught me an important piece of advice.
I always have been a girl who likes share and know people, for example, when I'm in a party I always finish talking with new people and making new friends, that's how people knows me, like the smiley girl who talks with everybody.

For that reason I think that I have a lot of friends around me, trustful and reliable people, and I know that they are going to be with me at any time and any moment.

But before of Felipe's death, I didn't value the people around me, I mean my friends, my family, and people who I didn't have a friendship.
Felipe tought me that we have to share with ours people, ours friends, our family, because they have a place in your life, and you never know when they are not going to be with you anymore.
Maybe this seems to be a little sad, but no, I'm glad to have had a friend like Felipe, and I know that he's always here with me, trying to guide mi in the right direction.
And now I try to enjoy the people who I love, and enjoy the day like if was the last one.