Monday, March 23, 2009


Hogg, Chris "School bullying in Japan" BBC,15 November, 2006: 1 page

This is a very important problem in the schools, actually it's very common to find cases of children who have been teased by his/her classmates. The question that it doesn't have an answer is: who is the responsible?.

In my opinion headteachers, and teachers, don't think that this is a big problem inside their schools. When there are some case of Bullying in their school, they think that is only an inoffensive play of children, and it doesn't care so much about it. They discover the consequences of this act when the children who have been teased or exort, take the extreme decision of killed themselves.
Here in Chile happened a case of bullying, of a girl who was teased for her classmates by internet. They write bad things about her, they hit her at the school. The most incredible was that the mother of this girl went to the school, and talked with the headteacher, about the problem. They said that it was just a children game, nothing so important. After a few days the girl take the decision of kill herself.

1 comment:

  1. I read the same article and I also remind that girl. She was 12 or 13 years old and I was impacted when I saw the news. I think of my little sister and I know that you think the same.

    I know you are right when you said that the school should do something better. But they should support what they learn at home, I think its a complement.

    well. byeee

